Corporate Branding, Design Guidelines, Design System, Rebranding


A.C. Milan. Football and much more.

The historical, glorious Milan Football Club is the tip of the iceberg. A.C. Milan in fact, is actually a complex organisation of companies in the business of sports, education, charity and more.
The traditional A.C. Milan symbol had to remain untouched, but the organisation needed some organising.

Until then, all the players within A.C. Milan were detached with no coordination, because they were all born in different moments, separately, through the group’s growing process.
Now it was the time to line up all the family members, to make them become, indeed, a family.

The big picture was analysed and a real brand architecture scheme was defined. The single identities used until then had to be replaced with a solid Identity System that could recap all of them to A.C. Milan in an organic and unique solution.

The new A.C. Milan Brand Identity style was created, with a dedicated Design System and Brand Architecture. All the companies, initiatives and projects being part of it were finally aligned in specific areas and groups, generating an extensive architecture completely coordinated. The whole operation was then collected in a Brandbook, including the Design Guidelines for the specific usage of all the logos part of the A.C. Milan family.


milan old brand elements

milan brand architecture


Project developed for Lumen



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