Wines with 700 years of Tuscan tradition.
Marchesi de’ Frescobaldi is one of the most prestigious wine houses of Tuscany, in central Italy. Their tradition is over seven centuries old and they make some of the best Italian wines on the market.
Their noble family herald was accompanied by a simple typography writing their name, in a way that evidently would match the market of years back, but had to be refreshed to be strong and impactful in the third millennium. Their identity had to be made more solid, appealing and elegant, to reinvigorate their noble roots and expressing the quality and pride of the Frescobaldi wines.
The herald was then redesigned, completely rebalanced, still keeping precisely the original configuration, but in a smoother style, and usable for any reproduction. The logotype was remade in a warm and fine handwriting style to highlight meanings of family, traditions and passion that always generated the unique Frescobaldi wines.
A complete Design Guidelines was developed, including the product and corporate application of the new brand, beside the update of the Frescobaldi different wine labels.
Project developed for Lumen